~ China Glaze 'Spontaneous' ( 2coats )~
Here is the lovely Wet n Wild 'Psycho = 2 coats with 2 coats of China Glaze Spontaneous, I am puzzled that they would name this lovely glitter polish "Psycho"... Why? What is exactly wrong with this polish to warrant such a name? Beneath the surface of this teenie-tiny unassuming mini bottle of nail polish is...... is...... I can't even finish that. oh Well, it is not the first ridiculously named nail polish I have come across. My favorite polish brand of the moment, Billie, had a very pretty glitter called "Anxiety"......................... Why? What about glitter can be likened to anxiety? I have posted a picture of the wrongly named Billie Polish 'Anxiety' at the end of this post. Glitter to me equals cheer....... so I am thinking that the person responsible for naming these just had a bad day, and decided on these unfortunate names. For more just-plain-wrong polish names visit Stupid Nail Polish Names
Anyhoo- here is a few more photos of Wet n' Wild "Psycho", My camera battery died mid photo-shoot, so I am waiting for it to charge up so I can get a close-up of this polish bottle and the name 'Psycho'.
Ha-Ha - Billie "Anxiety", even "Feeling Blue" seems like the wrong type of name for a glitter polish.... when I think of glitter I think happy, fun, shiny cheerful.... weird♥
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