Make Beauty Nails

Beauty Nails Tips to Have a Good Nails, you can make your nails beauty facial and body skin care..

So this one may be long....

So Friday night, I decided to change my nails to match my shirt for Saturday. Childish? Maybe but I did it anyway. Cute shirt too! Sparkly even....too &^%(^&%&*^%# SPARKLY.I had glitter everywhere. Face, Hands, Pants and on the kids.

Waitaminute! I got beside myself. We're talking about my manicure. Here it is:

I used China Glaze Recyle as a base. For the konad, it was China Glaze Liquid Leather and Orly Shine. I was complimented twice at the makeup section in Nordstrom's. I actually went in there looking for Lippmann Happy Birthday but they were sold out. Grrr!

Moving on to this fine day, the sun actually came out so I was like "YES! I can swatch Orly Foil FX!" Ummm, nope. As soon as I sat down, the gloom returned. I swatched anyway. 3 Coats, No top coat.

First up is Shine. Camera didn't catch the greatness at all. I love a silver polish and this one went right to the top of my list. You shall see this one make an appearance as a real manicure soon.

Rage. LOL, some people would see this one was made for me because of the name but I would disagree. This reminds me of MAC Rose Gold pigment. Once again, camera didn't capture her greatness. I don't love her as much as the Shine but I still maybe in like with her.

Last but certainly not least is Luxe.This was the standout for me and I'm not fond of golds but this one is amazing to look at it. *sigh* So very shiny and just a great, real gold polish for me. Get it.

They all went on like a dream and I probably could have gotten away with 2 coats but 3 seems to be the magic number. Yes, it is.

What I'm sporting today....Zoya Zara. I've had her for months and never even looked at her. Shame on me because she is gorgeous. I love the golden shimmer here. It was sort of sheer and jelly-like but it went on smoothly with no streaks. I can't believe I left her sitting in a drawer somewhere.

Here she is in the sun....

Until next time. Have a good day, y'all.
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