Make Beauty Nails

Beauty Nails Tips to Have a Good Nails, you can make your nails beauty facial and body skin care..

Favorite Things Giveaway

Hey y'all!
I never thought this blog would be doing as well as it is and wanted to tell you that you guys rock. Every comment I get is appreciated. Every blog I read is wonderful to me. To show my appreciation, I thought I'd have a giveaway. Nothing big but just a little something.

I figured I'd giveaway some of my favorite things. Wish I could do more but I hope this will make someone smile. So without further ado!

First up is the O.P.I. stuff. I saw the little Tiny Takeout from the Hong Kong collection and thought it was so cute but the lotions are ones that I use ALL the time. I stash them in different rooms in the house so whenever I get dry hands I have something.

Next up is the China Glaze, Seche Vite and Art Deco stuff. You will get Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat, the China Glaze Matte Magic, Recycle, and Black Diamond. I love those two colors all the time. I also like the Art Deco Gold and Silver. I mainly use those when I'm feeling all artsy.

Thirdly, there's my favorite cuticle cream made by Burt's Bees, Lemon Butter and an Avo bathbomb from Lush. I love those Lush bathbombs.

Annnnnnnnd last but not least, my favorite tea and some chocolate.

Okay now on to the rules.

1. You must be a follower.
2. You MUST leave a valid email address to be entered. No exceptions. If I don't get an email addy then you're not entered.
3. If you'd like to have an extra entry then you may tweet about it but you must add it to the comments with your email address.

Contest will run from today until March 19, 2010 at 1700(5pm).

Like I said, it's not much but I wanted you all to know that I think the world of you!

ETA: This is open to everyone so all of you international ladies are certainly welcome.
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