DUDE! Anna of The Nail Nerd tagged me. She rocks. I love reading her blog and she has the prettiest nails. Thank you!
Now I am supposed to tell you 7 random facts about myself.
1. I curse like a sailor. I drop F-bombs all the time. I cannot help myself. I try not to do it in front of the children but whoops sometimes it happens.
2. I am an avid baker, especially cookies. Love decorating cookies. Now if I could just remember to take pictures of them.
3. I make soap. Hot process, Cold process. It was one of my favorite hobbies at one point and I totally need to get back into it.
4. I like vampire books. (Not Twilight) I am an avid J. R. Ward fan. My favorite brother of hers is Zsadist. Black Dagger Brotherhood rocks.
5. I was in the U.S. Navy and worked for electronic intelligence. That's all I can say or I'll have to kill you.
6. I love my dog, Sascha, as if she was one of my own children. Great Danes are awesome dogs. Would like to have one more. She needs a buddy.
7. I am prone to getting strep throat about 6 times a year. No lie! But Im afraid to get my tonsils taken out.
There ya go. I have no clue who to tag so go ahead and do this if you like.
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