I started with a base of copper artificial nails, then used a black stripe polish to make the lines, filled in with WnW Black Creme, then traced the line with Stripe Rite copper glitter. I filled in my pinky nail with glitter, but thought that just tracing the outline of the spotlight was 'enough'. PLUS ~ I remembered how this glitter sucked up top coat, and didn't want to add too many layers of polish.
here a few new blogs........................
miss 80 million
Enigmatic - rambles
Olivia's Nails
legally lacquered
nails in the air
unas de colores
pixie polish
makeup masala
purrr polish
one chic bella
Here comes the sun
...............and a few more photos of my 'spotlight' manicure
1 Komentar untuk "New Blogs & spotlight nails"
Thanks for the link :)