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My First IKEA Pimp! Beauty Care

The pupster went in for a much needed grooming yesterday and is now all fragrant and silky smooth and very cuddly. He always seems to know how lovely he feels after a wash, clip 'n' brush and is cashing in his cuteness chips for lots of extra rubs.

I decided this morning to pimp his bed in honour of his newfound cleanliness. And because I needed a small, manageable project - a break from trying to decide on paint and carpet for upstairs and painting the kitchen cabinets was in order.

This is the "before" shot of his nighttime throne from IKEA:

Looks fairly Prince Of Darkness, I think. Anyway, the colour scheme of the kitchen means that the bed stuck out like a sore thumb in its original state: the kitchen is all light and airy, creams and ivorys and duck-egg blues.

While I don't have an "after" yet, I can tell you that those black legs and armrest supports today received their first coat of ivory paint. And to replace the covers, I've ordered some Michele D'Amore for Marcus Brothers fabric that I discovered on Etsy but was sold out - typical - so I had to roam the interweb looking for another stockist. Eventually I found and ordered it from Fabric For Quilts & More, the online store of a shop in West Virginia ("Take me home, country roads...") run by a really sweet lady called Barbara. It's so nice that I ordered a bit more than I strictly need for the reupholstry job with a view to using it in some other less Boris-y project:

I'm sure you can just imagine how excited the dog is about all this...

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