Two weeks ago tonight, I started feeling my throat closing up. I wasn't happy about it, but figured it was the precursor to a cold, so I took some Zicam and went to bed. The next morning, I woke up with a killer sore throat. I stayed in bed the entire day and around dinner time, woke up enough to down some painkiller and some DayQuil. Voila... pain went away. I felt so much better, that I thought I was out of the woods until the next morning. :\
That was Saturday morning. Over the next 2 days, my sore throat went from slightly painful to excruciating. I couldn't even swallow, it was so bad. I missed out on Easter with my family. :( By Sunday night, I had convinced myself to go to the doctor, but that would mean making it through another sleepless night. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), by 3am. I had had enough. There was no choice but to go to the ER.
They said I had strep throat, gave me a bag of fluids (I hadn't eaten or had anything to drink in days), a steroid, and a script for both an antibiotic and Vicodin. I naively thought I wouldn't need the Vicodin. I was wrong. :\ It took me over a week to feel human again and finally after 2 weeks, I am able to eat and drink without any pain.
I am finally better, but the moral of the story is... do not mess around with strep throat. I hate doctors. As a mom, I tend to think about myself last of all. However, I honestly think I was about 12 hrs away from going septic, so at some point, I had to quit being brave and suck it up and go to the ER.
Anyway, I hate to do a post on a nasty infection, but I wanted to give you all an update because at 3am on 4/25/11, the girls on Twitter were the only things keeping me sane. I wanted you all to know that I'm feeling much better. Thank you so much for all your concern. <3
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