Make Beauty Nails

Beauty Nails Tips to Have a Good Nails, you can make your nails beauty facial and body skin care..

♥ Another franken...... Logical Asparagus ♥

2 coats of Logical Asparagus Franken with 2 coats of Nailene Acrylic Strong Top Coat

I am in a bit of a nail art rut..... I have sooooooo much nail art supplies; glitter, gems, stickers.... everything!!! just no nail art mojo. The weather here is unusually hot and humid and that is definitely contributing to my lack of creativity.

I love pastel purples.... I have never seen an ugly purple shade of polish...... All the pastel frankens I have made using this Billie White polish are easily 1 coat.... 1 thickish but fast drying coat.  I had to use 2 here to even things out and hide some lint/fluff I accidentally painted onto my nail. I have whipped up soooooo many of these pastel polish's over the last few months -  Pastel shades are really easy franken polish's to make = = = You just add white.

Anyhoo - Here is Logical Asparagus; I made this with Sally Hansen Radish; a deep almost black purple and Billie French White. Billie polish is a cheap brand of polish...  my top coat picks up the colour in alot of the creme shades that are available from this Billie brand~ So I use a older contaminated Top Coat first, then use my good Top coat.


Sun w/ Logical Asparagus Franken

Billie French White, Sally Hansen HAN Radish and my franken 'Logical Asparagus'


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