Still rocking the sore throat but eh! What can you do???
Got a box from Transdesign the other day. I think I must get one every week. I need help, lol. I only ordered a new brush for my acrylics and a few polishes. One of them was O.P.I.'s BlackCherry Chutney. I could have sworn that I had this in my collection but I didn't. I love this color. The twins told me(only 10) that it makes my fingernails look goth. What do they know? LOL I love it though. This color may end up in my regular rotation. I have a deep love for dark colors. Can't help myself.
So pretty!
This one had to be three coats for me. The second coat was still a bit streaky so I had to have that third.

Now on to the failed konadicure!
I have no clue what I was thinking about. I must have been too engrossed in whatever I was watching on TV but this *&^% is horrible. I used a Color Club color then topped it with 2 coats of Essie's Matte About You. It could have been left alone and I would have been happy but nooooooooo, I had to dress it up with a Sally Hansen Chrome. First of all, I do not recommend doing Konad with one of these things. They dry way too fast. Bad idea. I don't know if you can tell from the picture but I can and you can see where it dried so quickly that all the design didn't come off so I had to cover it up with something else. U-G-L-Y! I bet I don't try this again. Look at this mess....

Terrible! The husband liked it but what does he know? Hmmph.
Yall have a good one!
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