Make Beauty Nails

Beauty Nails Tips to Have a Good Nails, you can make your nails beauty facial and body skin care..

Disclosure Policy

Okay, I've been avoiding creating a Disclosure Policy, for two main reasons... 1. it kind of confused me and 2. it kind of pissed me off that I had to do it in the first place.  I've always mentioned it up front if a company has supplied me with a sample.  If a company contacts me and offers to send me samples, I usually agree to try the product.  However, that in no way influences my opinion.  I'm a pretty easy person to please (I can hear my husband saying "yeah, right"), so for the most part, while I may not gush about a product, my reviews will be mostly favorable.  However, if I don't like a product, I'm going to be honest about that as well.  Getting a free sample of something is not going to sway my opinion.  Also, I will always mention it in the body of the post if I've received a sample, and I may even put a tag in italics at the bottom of the post.  So that's my Disclosure Policy in a nutshell, but if you want to read the legally stuff, scroll on down.

This policy is valid from 18 December 2009

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, we will and do accept and keep free products, services, travel, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations.

The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.

The owner(s) of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
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