Make Beauty Nails

Beauty Nails Tips to Have a Good Nails, you can make your nails beauty facial and body skin care..


When I saw this on Zombie Claws I had to copy right away..... I am not too happy with how mine turned out though..... I'll have to try this look again. This is really cute but not as easy as the Frankenstein nails I did a week ago.

super cute Frankenstein Nails LINK HERE


I felt like I ran out of room when I did the deep widow's peak hair at the tips of my nails. I wanted to do it the opposite way in the first place but was not sure how it would look.  I'm glad I took this off and did it the way I wanted. This guy below doesn't seem so menacing, it had to be removed ASAP! Here I used silver instead of white for the teeth and eyes, and it did not show up as well as white does.

My pinky nail looks like the goofy one of the bunch

These are Nailene So Natural Nails # 77359. They have a very subtle shimmer embedded through the whole nail. I initially wanted to use the white tip of my nail for Dracula's popped collar, and use the fine black stripe polish to create that. But it was waaaaaay hard - there would not be enough room for me to paint on his features.  So I buffed off the white tip and used the lower area for his fangs.

 I used these shimmery buff coloured nails for reference to the glittery vampires in Twilight = which I have never seen. I am waiting for all 3 to come out and watch them all at the same time.

Nailene So Natural Nails #77359

Stuff I used; Nailene TC, Sinful MagHony (lol), Billy White, WnW Black  & Art Deco Black

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