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KOTD: CC Art of Seduction w/ CC Worth the Risque (Holiday Ideas)

Have you ever looked at all the colors in your stash and realized there was nothing you wanted on your nails? That happened to me last night. I went through all 3 of my drawers and couldn't find a single color I wanted to wear. That's when I remembered I had a box from VNS that I still hadn't put into my stash. I'd put it away after I OD'd, so when I opened it up last night, it was like Christmas all over again. LOL.

As I'd thought about creating a series of holiday mani ideas, I figured I'd start with CC Art of Seduction. Here's a pic...

Art of Seduction is part of CC's 2008 Glitter Vixen collection. If you aren't familiar with it, it's a collection of seven, color-specific, mega-glitters. I've reviewed the purple glitter before, but there's also a green, blue, gold, silver, holo, and this red. All the colors in the collection remind me of craft glitter. In fact, when I was putting this one on, I kept thinking that it was like my kids' glitter glue in texture and pigmentation. Each of these is saturated in color. And, except for the holo, unlike the ChG new glitters, there's no other color in these glitters. The red glitter is red, the blue glitter is blue, the green glitter is green, and so on and so forth. This is why it these are so unique to me and why the remind me of craft glitter glue.

The downside to these is that they are really bumpy and they take 2-3 coats to reach opacity. I did 2 on this mani, but it honestly could have used a third. I put 3 coats of TC over it and it helps a lot, but there's still a little bit of texturing to the finish, but since it's a glitter, you can't tell unless you touch it. It doesn't bother me, but if you are bugged by a little bumpiness, these may not be for you. I know it got some mixed reviews when it came out, but I love this collection (it's one of 2 collections of which I own every color).

As for Art of Seduction on it's own, it's got to be the best red glitter I own, and I have several, though I do not have Ruby Pumps (my sister stole it. grrr. :P). There's not much I can say about it, other than to say it looks like I put red craft glitter on my nails (and I know I've mentioned the craft glitter thing several times, but I find it so appropriate, I can't help myself. LOL).

The konad is plate m64, and I used CC Worth the Risque as the design color. This was my first time konadding with both a holo and a CC. WtR is from CC's Femme Fatale collection. I'm used to using my ChG Romantiques, and this was a little thin and the design isn't as bold as I thought it would be, but I think that's due to the formula of the CC rather than the fact it's a holo. I've seen konads done with ChG OMG and they were perfect. That said, I do like this. As much as I wanted a "slap yo mama" holo konad, I really love the subtly of WtR over the shimmery red glitter. I think this would be perfect for a holiday party.

You can get both these colors and their corresponding collections from H2T and VNS. I love CCs. I think they are great for the price.
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