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Oxegen 2009: Wet 'n' mucky, but VG fun! Beauty Care

Myself and Himself decided to live dangerously last weekend, so we packed up our wellies and raingear and drinking hats and headed off to Oxegen.

And before you ask - no, no, we did not camp. We stayed with Himself's aunt and uncle and their real beds and loos and showers, who live about a half hour's walk up the road and do the World's Fanciest Breakfasts. Bliss.

Despite the rain, it was a great weekend, filled with some very good grub and lots of red wine in very classy squeezy Capri Sun-alike containers with screw caps or little lunchtime-sized cartons complete with aerating straws [sold in a carton like that, it's called "tandem wine", by the by]. Oh, and there was some music, too - stand-out highlights were Lily Allen, The Script, Snow Patrol, Little Boots, Elbow, Pet Shop Boys, Lady GaGa, Paolo Nutini, and The Killers.

Blur were good, but not nearly as blow-me-away amazingly awesome as I expected - there was a lot of filler that even my music nerd pal Denise wasn't au fait with - so I felt puh-retty let down.

There was other mediocrity, too - stand up and shuffle your feet awkwardly and mumble an apology, Ting Tings (I was nearly sick with disappointment), Kings of Leon and Regina Spektor, who was 20 minutes late starting her set and was then blinvisible behind the lid of the baby grand piano for its duration.

And as for The Saturdays... lookit, I like pop, and I wanted to get a goo at them because Himself's aunt had been insisting that I'm the spit of one of the birds in the band, and I hadn't a breeze what any of them looked like.

Well, I discovered that I could well be in The Saturdays since I can't really sing but am very good at flicking my hair, pouting into a microphone/hairbrush, having lots of attitude, and stomping about in heels. We stayed for two songs, I think, before looking at each other, smirking, and deciding to head out into the teeming rain rather than listen to another note.

Unusually for me, I actually did take a couple of photees...

Ummm, yeh.

Did I mention it was mucky?

Oh, and if I'd had a Best Hoodie badge to hand out, it would definitely have gone to this guy - the King's County's answer to Nick Stokes:

So if you're thinking about heading to Punchestown for next year's Oxegen, you now know to bring rubber boots/a mud wrestling bikini and a natty navy hoodie. But don't stress if you don't own a pair of matching socks, yo, because those are totally optional. See?


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