Make Beauty Nails

Beauty Nails Tips to Have a Good Nails, you can make your nails beauty facial and body skin care..

♥ Indulge Mini's & .99 cent haul ♥

I had purchased 4 sets of the Indulge Beauty Trio's at walmart 2 months ago, I did swatch them but never really got around to wearing them or even posting the swatches I did...... here is a sample of these polish's layered over a black polish. These swatches are all 2 coats. I did find that these took a loooooong time to dry, way longer than the other batch of polish by this company. That could be from humidity and different conditions though. So far I have only heard of this brand being available in Canada. While they are very cute in their tiny lil' bottle, = they are extremely sheer, and I feel need to be layered over something.


At this rate I will have them all of this haul swatched out, in like, 2 years..... Honestly I am having a hard time not buying nail polish.... Thankfully this is my only "frivolous" expense... except for lip gloss...... I am not really into collecting anything else, and really enjoy finding all these "antique ' Nail Polishes and bargain nail polish's.....




These three mini nail polish's are from the Indulge Beauty 310-09 Tropical Triffle, That I picked up at walmart Canada for $2.57. They are all two coats over a cheap black base. Most of these polish have a really cool flak-i-ness to them..... I am not sure if 'Flakie" is the right word, and it definitely is not glitter.... What would be a proper description for these"pieces-of-something" in the polish....... hmmmmm. None of these polish's have names, they just have the name of the little trio they belong to.

At the end of my post is my latest .99 cent store haul.... soooooo happy. I picked up the rest of the scented polish's that I did not get last time...... I love that store, they get the cooolest stuff. I am sooooo proud that I only bought 6 polish's, (1 = a double). I also took a million more pictures of the new polish's I have acquired recently. I will put up a post on my 'antique' Maybelline - 'Bamboo Yellow' with the Indulge Yellow shown in this post, ====this evening when I have more time. For the rest of the day I am forcing myself to sew some projects I have left toooo long (bad girl) I need an assistant to help me with my blogg'in. I also swatched these new Billie's and will post how those look AND SMELL too!.

Onto the photos all outside-all enlargeable......



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