Well, Monart was a-maaaazing. I'd go back in a heartbeat. I was so chilled out after our sojourn that I didn't do any of the house-y things I'd planned to get sorted - and didn't stress about not getting them done [unheard of]. That zen-like calmness last until, oh, about 9.10am on the Monday I came back to work but I was lovely and floaty until then.
There's actually a little review-type post about our experience here on Beaut.ie... just don't let on to Himself how you know he likes facials ;)
And if you click here, you'll see that there is now have a very valid excuse reason for the sporadic posting on this Lickle Pink Blog - I'm also blogging for le Big Pink Blog that is my favourite website of all time, Beaut.ie!
*Blushes furiously at the shameless blowing-own-trumpet-ness of it all*
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