It started with a few practical purchases. First off: new food. Since Westies are prone to skin and digestive problems, it's really important to have them on decent grub. His-Name-A is a case in point. When we first got him, his skin was a bit scabby and sort of smelled [even after a bath], his front legs were nearly bald where he had been nibbling at them and he suffered with some, ehem, "digestive discomfort". That is to say, he had The Squits and really disgustingly smelly farts that were causing the paint to peel off the walls in the sitting room. Per Maureen from Westie Rescue who hooked us up with His-Name-A in the first place, the top three foods for what she politely terms "rumble tum" in Westies are:
1. Nutro Sensitive Chicken & Rice
2. Burns
3. Royal Canin Sensitivity Control
Only the best for Bor, so a 15kg bag of Nutro was ordered quick-smart from zooplus.ie and there has been a vast improvement in the condition of his skin & coat and stinkiness levels. Praise Jebus!
On a visit to Browns in Portlaoise after we had left Boris in to the vet for his op, I spied a dog seatbelt yoke [he had been barking, howling and trying to roam around the car like a thing posessed on every trip] and a waterproof coat without any ridiculous fauz fur lining [so Himself would have no excuse for not taking him for walks in the drizzle]. The harness is a great success - although I have been sitting in the back seat with him on the two occassions we've used it so we will see how he fares if I'm sitting up front! - but alas the coat is too feckin small. It's the right length for his back but he's too broad across the chest & shoulders for it. Feck! It looked flippin massive in the shop, like.
Since he's been groomed, his snazzy bandana collar is too big for him [that's how thick his hair was], so a new collar was in order. The bumblebees are a-comin' from mollys.ie and I am so looking forward to getting him into hiw new collar on because it
looks soooo purty is totally practical and necessary.

The fact that it's adorable is nothing more than a curious coincidence.
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