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A fool and her money..? Beauty Care

I mentioned yesterday that one of the nice things I got over Christmas was cúpla Euro. I also got some currency in my birthday cards (it's January 8th, people; would it kill you to remember a date that's exactly two weeks after Christmas?) which was similarly fabulous. However, I didn't actually get to buy myself anything with this money because instead of sticking it under my matress and thinking about what I could invest this gift cash in, I used it on things like buses, the cinema, drinks etc because I wasn't arsed queuing for ATMs in the freezing cold. The upshot, of course, is that if I were to buy myself something nice now, it wouldn't feel like a present because I'd have to take the bloody money out of my own flippin' account!!

Nice one, genius.

Well, yesterday was *payday* (mmm) and I decided that I would get something lovely for myself as a present from someone who had given me moolah (are you keeping up?) Also, Himself is away in London at the moment so I needed some other pleasant means of occupying myself :)

I decided that I'd go with a luxury item, the kind of thing you wouldn't buy yourself with your own money, the kind of thing you've read about in magazines and heard people raving about and really wanted to purchase but weren't sure you could justify the expense.

Behold just such an item!

This is Eve Lom Cleansing Balm. It reportedly is the most amazing product ever, because it is supposed to replace the need for additional toner and moisturiser after cleansing. (And, frankly, if it's good enough for Trinny & Susannah and Kate Moss, you can be damn sure it's good enough for me.) There is a whole mini-massage routine that you perform while using it, before removing it with a muslin cloth which comes free with the cleanser.

Given the price of the stuff, Eve Lom herself should really be coming free with purchase. So I did my homework before buying it and read a number of reviews where people swore they would go without food before depriving themselves of this gear ever again. And if one product alone can sort out my skin, sure I'll practically be making money!

Used it for the first time last night and it was very, very nice, and my skin did feel great afterwards. I'll keep you posted...
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