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RBL Sale Update

I realize this is old news for some, probably all, of you, but for continuity's sake, I figured I'd post about this here as well.  Plus, the sale is now days away, so I wanted to do a quick blurb just in case some of you didn't know (or forgot... yeah, right). 

A few weeks ago, Ji mentioned that rather than offering the sale on Black Friday or Cyber Monday (both previously mentioned), the sale will be on November 1st.  As previously mentioned, the new Tudor collection will not be included (a fact that somewhat chaps my ass).  However, she has agreed to include the RBL bath and body products (is anyone intersted in these?).  Free shipping is not an option during the saleand US shipping will take 10-14 business days (I would contact her regarding international shipping times). 

Also, she said that all carts will be emptied prior to the sale going live.  So if you loaded up your cart, entered your information, and hovered your mouse over "place order" at the start of the sale (um, not me *blush* LOL), you won't be able to do that this go around, so be sure to have your list finalized and be speedy in placing your order.

As for lists, I went a little overboard at Sephora a few days ago (damn Friends and Family sale), so my RBL budget has been drastically cut.  I realized, however, that several of the colors, I was simply picking up because they were 1/2-off and not because I had any sort of attachment to them.  I've narrowed my list down to 3 polishes (Ani, Smitten, and Scrangie).  If they were 1/2-price, I'd totally get Jane and Catherine H, and I was honestly willing to pay regular price for them, but then I got more and more irritated the more that I thought about them not being included, so I decided to forego them all together.  (Megan = fickle and bitchy).

Are you guys narrowing down your lists?  If you need any ideas, please check out my RBL label.  If I had to pick favorites (of the ones I own that are not d/c'd), I'd say the 2 remaining glitters, Frugalista and Look Rich, Be Cheap, as well as Plie and 360. 
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