Make Beauty Nails

Beauty Nails Tips to Have a Good Nails, you can make your nails beauty facial and body skin care..

♥ Franken - 'Sparkeling Mist - GOOD' ♥

~ 'Sparkling Mist-GOOD' 3 thin coats ~
~ 2 coats of Nailene Acrylic Strong Top Coat ~

Finally! My last franken from the GOOD vs. EVIL Collection. This is 3 thin coats, followed by 2 coats of Nailene Acrylic Strong Top Coat. I don't think I have ever owned anything quite like this polish, or seen anything like it in person. It is so many different colors with different lighting, I cannot say for sure if I think that this is green or blue. It has alot of prominent white-gold shimmer in most lighting, however, in artificial 'office' lighting, it looks like I am wearing a coat of sheer buttery-yellow-gold polish over a royal blue base...... All in all, it is very pretty and I am very pleased with these last six creations form my G vs. E collection found HERE.

Below- I am wearing Sparkling Mist - EVIL' in this photo, beside bottels of both versions of Sparkling Mist. When I mixed the Loreal pigment with a black Sally Hansen polish, it took on a very green hue, while Sparkling mist mixed with a clear base became a very interesting green/gold/shimmery/WTF color. I will say, today, that classifying the color & finishes on some frankens I have made, and then naming them and finding comparable polish's on the interwebz, has been more of a struggle than when I was initially trying to locate and purchase mini-empty nail polish bottles in late 2008. { my life is sooooooo hard! }

~ Shade  ~

~ Sunshine ~

~ Shade ~

~ Shade ~

~ Shade with Flash ~

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