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KOTD: ChG Atlantis with ChG Adore

I'm going to start with pics first and yakking later.


Atlantis alone



Out of focus to show off the sparklies



Isn't this kah-razy? Like nuts, right? I love this color. I mean, I have turquoise glitter on my nails with a design on top and it doesn't feel weird. It's that awesome.

Okay, back down to earth. Atlantis is from the new ChG glitters collection. I'm not sure of it's official name because I have seen any real PR stuff concerning it. I saw the display at Sally's (where I got this) and VNS has about 6 colors in stock (but not Atlantis). I think they are calling the collection Glitters, Shimmers, and Cremes, but I have no clue if that's the official name.

Anywho... Atlantis is dusty turquoise base (well, as dusty as it can be with a shitload of glitter) with uniform, square glitter in turquoise, silver, and holo (which look like little disco balls on your nails). The glitter in this is fairly dense and the base is opaque at 2 coats, so there's no need for a base color. I'd say this is a stand-alone glitter, more than say, a glitter topper (like a lot of the Sinfuls and Luv My Nails I own). My nail was almost completely covered in one coat, but I did 2 just to make sure there were no bald spots or streaks.

The one thing I didn't like about this polish was it had that annoying glitter application problem where the polish has a tendency to pull out past the free edge of your nail, especially if you are trying to apply too much at once. It's easily rectified by simply pressing the free edge of your nail straight down on to a flat service. If you go slow and do thin coats, you will lessen the chance this. Plus, it's not a problem that's exclusive to Atlantis. I happens to me with all glitters.

Also, it's bumpy. Like cobblestone, bumpy. It took 3 coats of TC (over the coarse of today) to even it out. There are still places where it's not super smooth, but since it's a glitter, no one can see the uneven-ness. It's just a problem for the wearer. I could see this driving me crazy if I was OCD about my polish being even. However, as long as no one can tell... I'm cool.

Annnnnnnnd, because I have ADD and am never content with anything, I added a konad design. This is a full-nail design from plate m64. I used ChG Adore (blah, blah, blah Romantique, blah, blah, blah perfect Konad application... LOL) which is a pretty turquoise metallic. I wanted something subtle and yet not subtle at the same time. Meaning, that it's not "in your face" like say a silver or a white would be, but it's not like a secret konad either, like a deeper turquoise creme or shimmer would be. You can definitely see this design.

All in all, I am so pleased with this mani. I think I'm part parakeet because I keep looking at it. It was difficult getting anything done today because I wanted to keep staring at my nails. LOL.

Lastly, you may notice that my nails are still short. I opted to use Nailene nails this go around. 1. I was in a hurry and using the tips requires a bit more time due to cutting and filing, and 2. it's so much easier to type with shorties. I'll probably go back to long nails for my next mani (I may have some cool nail art decals to show you... we'll see how they turn out).

That's it for now. Hope you all like this one. Don't forget to register for my WnW giveaway. See above for info and link.
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